IGSA Shutdown and Partnership End
As the title suggests, The International Gmod Sandbox Alliance is disbanding, by the end of the week expect there to be no IGSA.
For those who are unaware of IGSA, it was a group of Garry's Mod Peer to Peer players who had amassed a rather large player base of 60 pupils, The Organizer of the group stumbled upon my Gmod Sandbox server one day and convinced me to host a server for them with the right to advertise my services. Our partnership lasted for around 2 months as of this time and will be ending along with their disbanding.
Their server will be up until their last day of existence of which I will then shut it down permanently. Join their Gmod server while you still can!
For those of you interested in following some of the staff team, they will be joining up with Kekbox 2.0

I hope the members of this community continue to prosper and know we are happy to let you join the family if so desired!